Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Few OCJP/SCJP Questions and Answers

1. public class LocalTime {
public static void main(String [] args) {
int second;
int min; // second & min only declared but not initialized
second = 180; // Initialize the variable
System.out.println("Minute " + min);

Ans : Code fails in compilation .Local variable should be initialize before they used in the method/block. Here “min” variable is no where used in the program..

2. public class LocalTest {
public static void main(String [] args) {
int a;
if (args[0] != null) { // assume you know this will
// always be true

a = 7; // compiler can't tell that this
//  statement will run
int b = a; //Compiler will choke here
Ans: Compilation Error. The variable “a” is only initialize in the loop. When JVM comes from the loop, it can not find the value of “a” .

3. class Foo {
static int size = 7;
static void changeIt(int size) {
size = size + 100;
System.out.println("size in changeIt is " + size);
public static void main (String [] args) {
Foo f = new Foo();
System.out.println("size = " + size);
System.out.println("size after changeIt is " + size);
o/p :
size = 7
size in changeIt is 107
size after changeIt is 7

4. class TestWrapper {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Integer i1 = 1000;
Integer i2 = 1000;
if(i1 != i2) System.out.println("different objects");
if(i1.equals(i2)) System.out.println("meaningfully equal");

different objects
meaningfully equal

5 .
class TestWrapper {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Integer i2 = 20;
Integer i3 = 20;
if(i2 == i3) System.out.println("same object");
if(i2.equals(i3)) System.out.println("meaningfully equal");

o/p :
same object
meaningfully equal

NB :For Short & Integer range from -128 to 127. When == is used to compare a primitive to a wrapper, the wrapper will be unwrapped and the comparison will be primitive to primitive.

6. class Boxing {
static Integer x;
public static void main(String [] args) {
static void doStuff(int z) {
int z2 = 5;
System.out.println(z2 + z);
} }

0/p: It will throw NullPointerException at Runtime bacause when JVM tries to invoke dostuff(x) method, x does not have the value to outbox.

NB : wrapper reference variables can be null. You have to take care for code that appears to be doing safe primitive operations, but that could throw a NullPointerException:

7. class LongTest {
static void go(int x) { System.out.print("int "); }
static void go(long x) { System.out.print("long "); }
static void go(double x) { System.out.print("double "); }
public static void main(String [] args) {
byte b = 5;
short s = 5;
long l = 5;
float f = 5.0f;
Which produces the output:
int int long double

8. class Dog {
public static void main(String [] args) {
Dog d = new Dog();
d.test(new Long(5)); // can't widen an Integer
// to a Long
void test(Double x) { }

O/P :  Compilation Fails.
Wrapper class can not widen with one another.

9. class TryWiden {
static void go(Object o) {
Integer b2 = (Integer) o; // ok - it's a Integer object
public static void main(String [] args) {
Integer b = 10;
go(b); // can this integer turn into an Object ?

o/p: 10

Since Object is the parent class of all wrapper classes(here Byte),so it can widen to Object.

class MixerTest {
MixerTest() { }
MixerTest( MixerTest m) { m1 = m; }
MixerTest m1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MixerTest m2 = new MixerTest();
MixerTest m3 = new MixerTest(m2); m3.go();
MixerTest m4 = m3.m1; m4.go();
MixerTest m5 = m2.m1; m5.go();
void go() { System.out.print("hi "); }

what will be the o/p ?

o/p : hi hi, followed by an exception
Because m2 object’s m1 instance variable is never initialized, so when m5 tries to use it a NullPointerException is thrown

11. class Bird {
{ System.out.print("b1 "); }
public Bird() { System.out.print("b2 "); }
class Raptor extends Bird {
static { System.out.print("r1 "); }
public Raptor() { System.out.print("r2 "); }
{ System.out.print("r3 "); }
static { System.out.print("r4 "); }
class Hawk extends Raptor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print("pre ");
new Hawk();
System.out.println("hawk ");

o/p : r1 r4 pre b1 b2 r3 r2 hawk
Static init blocks are executed at class loading time, instance init blocks run
right after the call to super() in a constructor. When multiple init blocks of a single type occur in a class, they run in order, from the top down

12. public class Make {
static int make = 7;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Make().go(make);
System.out.print(" " + make);
void go(int make) {
for(int make = 3; ouch < 6; ouch++)
System.out.print(" " + make);

o/p : Compilation fails because the variable “make” is declare again in for loop

13. class Dozens {
int[] dz = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};
public class Mango{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Dozens [] da = new Dozens[3];
da[0] = new Dozens();
Dozens d = new Dozens();
da[1] = d;
d = null;
da[1] = null;
// do stuff

question : How many objects this program will create & how many are eligible for garbage collection ?

Ans : 5 objects are created & 2 objects are eligible for Garbage Collection

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